eMedia Library Developers



This is a place to share feedback and comments directly to our developers!


What is going on in this proposal:

Welcome to the Emedia Developers Page!
Published 412 Days ago by Claire H |

Thank you for being a part of the eMedia Developers page!

In this page, we post our progress and documentation of features that we have added and upgraded in eMedia Library!

Join our community where you can post in chat and speak with our developers directly, giving us valuable feedback on what you'd like to see in our product, what you like and what you need in your file storage tools.   To make your asset management easy!

Published 429 Days ago by Claire H |
Welcome to eMedia Community!
Published 435 Days ago by Claire H |

The internet has evolved in incredible ways over the past two decades.  We have more ways to store our media than we ever, and the market continues to expand.  However, due to the way that some of these storage platforms are structured, it often takes a lot of the choice away from the consumers.  Sometimes even charging a premium to retrieve your data.  

eMedia Workspace helps video editors, universities, companies, activists, marketing firms, and media publishers save their time. It does this by utilizing a combination of Artificial Intelligence and smart software design to save, organize, upload, download, and retrieve large amounts of files. With over 300 different features for ultimate flexibility, our software is open source and can be used with any server. Intentionally designed with our users digital freedom in mind; eMediaWorkspace owns a network of servers around the globe to keep your information safe and secure. 

eMediaWorkspace is more than just another digital asset management platform - It was built with the intent to also be a building block for community, social justice, equal access and to add value to your business. It is trusted by a wide range of companies and organizations who also see the importance in utilizing and preserving our rights and freedoms in the digital world.  To preserve our collective memories and knowledge from around the globe, our “Digital Heritage”.