San Marcos Safety Campaign


Kansha Academy

People and families are falling victim to crime due to lack of police enforcement and resources.  People are having their belongings stolen, there have been incidents of pirate robberies on the water, as well as assaults. 

Root Causes

Poverty in guatamala is a root cause, as well as lack of community resources, public support and lack of police enforcement.


With a central page, to report, share communication and journal events and incidents.  We can increase the quality of our community network and with a stronger community comes less crime.


What is going on in this proposal:

Stolen Huipils Report
Published 692 Days ago by Christopher B |

Cecilia Mendoza reported that her neighboor and mother in law was robbed of 8 guatemalan outfits. On Thursday the 16th someone broke into the home in barrio 2 at 4AM.