Christopher, you mentioned setting up a mindmap for the video. Do you have a preferred tool for this? Or did I misunderstand and you intended for the storyboard to fill that role?
Canva is fine. I am waiting for you to make this happen. Setup a meeting or send me a draft of the story. Your job is to do advocacy and a video a good tool to do that with.
Hey Christopher. I don't think we have much useful from the re-record attempt today. Shall we try again tomorrow, once all the bugs you found are sorted? Let me know and I'll put it on the calendar.
Also, I took a stab at conforming the mind map to better fit the theme of the other slides we made. Have a look and let me know how bad it is... ;) Be kind, I'm no graphic designer! It's in the folder we made for the other slides.
Bobby Role: Project Manager. Schedule people into meetings
1. CB: Add links where I can to sidepanel
2. CB: Rebuild em11 to match the: eMedia Community Projects
3. CB: Update the to be Public Project (moderated) vs Private Projects (AI+Blockchain) Googlelogin
4. Bobby: Edit sidepanel to make sense
5. Bobby: Create story board in Canva
6. CB: Meet and Record Christopher following along 3x
7. Bobby: Update the sidepanel again from what Christopher presented
8. Bobby: Update final story board with actual captions from video
9. Claire: Record the storyboard
10. Bobby: Update the sidepanel from Claires feedback
Hi everyone, Last two days have been very buggy. Lets be extra careful and focus on fixing thing so we can release. No new bugs please. Once its stable I will get back to you Dieneke.